Real Time

Real Time
Real Time
Real Time

The Next Level!

Raise your game with the Ebonite Real Time, the exciting new addition to our lineup that takes performance to the next level. Building on the success of the Big Time, the Real Time features HK22 with GB13.7 Solid additives that deliver an impressive move on the backend. Designed for bowlers who are looking for a sharp breakpoint, this mid-performance ball combines looks with cutting-edge technology to maximize your scores without breaking the bank. When looking for a new ball to conquer medium conditions this season, look no further than the new Ebonite Real Time!


Performance Mid
Part Number 60-108255-93X
Purple / Violet
Core Big Time
Coverstock HK22 - GB 13.7 Solid
Cover Type Solid Reactive
Finish 500, 1000, 1500 Siaair / Factory Compound
Weights 16-12 Pounds
Lane Condition Medium oil
Reaction Length with strong backend
Warranty Two years from purchase date 
Release Date November 21, 2024

Core Numbers




16 lb 2.517 0.047
15 lb 2.508 0.054
14 lb 2.538 0.054
13 lb 2.574 0.040
12 lb 2.597 0.040





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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Zach Endres
So nice, drilled it twice

Drilled 2 of these so far, one pin up, the other pin drilled out, which I also cleaned to 500/2k. These have made a great house shot combination. Start with the surface and end with the pin up, polished. Higher rg lets these get down lane a touch further than the GB series which can be beneficial to most house patterns when there is too much friction occurring in the track area.

Casey Custer
The Real Deal!

Haven't had a Sym Solid with Polish roll so well out of box! Drilled mine 5x40 to control our house shot and higher ratio patterns and went 1018 oob for 4 games. What I see from the Real Time is traction with GB 13.7 cover but due to the Polish likes be responsive to the friction. HK22 makes this ball very shelf appealing and Dynamicore sends the pins flying. If you have a GB5 and want something a bit cleaner and more responsive without giving away the teeth this is your ball!

PBA Hawaii Dan
The Real Deal!

The Real time is the “Real Deal”. It has a shiny solid cover with mica particles. It gets through the fronts really well and stands up with a strong roll on the back end without going too forward. I can confidently send it right and expect it to return and go through the pins with authority. The shiny surface also allows for some miss area to the left. I liked this ball on the fresh house shot and a medium length sport shot.

Tom Marlow
Ebonite’s Ball of the year

The real time I truly believe is Ebonite’s ball of the year.
I hit mine with the 2000 pad and use it as my first ball out of the bag. It’s very smooth through the front of the lane and very strong on the backend. overall, this ball is that good

Brent Watson
It is about to get REAL TIME !

The new Real Time is a great compliment to the Big Time. The Real Time is cleaner and more angular downlane then the Big Time, with the same Big Time ball motion. This ball is a going to be the sleeper of the year release. The Real Time just does everything correct with overall ball motion. The Real Time has a lot of controlled downlane motion for the price point. I would put your favorite layout in this ball and watch it strike. It goes through the pins like no other ball I have thrown. This is a great addition to the Ebonite Lineup.

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